MICA believes firmly in encouraging the next generation of the Insulation Industry to participate and be heard. In order to facilitate this participation, the YP Committee has developed a Scholarship Program to offset the costs of attending the Annual MICA Fall Business Meetings. Scholarships will be awarded annually as funds permit. Recipients will be notified in early September. Deadline for applications is August 15, 2023.
The committee will award these scholarships on a first-come, first-served basis.
Scholarship Recipients are expected to attend the Young Professionals Committee Meetings that are held in conjunction with all MICA meetings and events that they attend. Scholarship funds may be applied to costs related to the MICA Annual Fall Business Meeting.
This program will be funded by donations from MICA Members. If you would like to donate, please contact Megan or fill out the Scholarship Donation Form above.
For questions, please contact MICA Managing Director, Megan Pope, at mpope@micainsulation.org or at 888-294-0084